Manuale Tipografico del Cavaliere Giambattista Bodoni. I-II


Bodoni, Giambatttista


Holland Press, London. 1960. (16), xxviii, lxxvi, 267 + (4) 279 pages including three folding plates of music types. Specimens printed on the rectos only. 4to (32 x 22 cm). Two volumes in slipcase. Decorative paper-covered boards with paper spine labels, matching slipcase. Slipcase a little bit worn and both joints partly split at bottom. Printed in only 500 copies.

Bodoni’s widow Margherita Dall’Aglio, together with Bodoni’s foreman Luigi Orsi, completed Bodoni’s projects; in 1818 she printed Bodoni’s final Manuale Tiprografico, a manual in two volumes with a dedication to the new sovereign Marie Louise. Fruit of more than forty years of work, it was composed of 265 pages with roman types, 125 capital letters, 181 Greek and oriental types, 1036 flourishes, 31 contours made with movable components and 20 pages of characters, numbers and musical symbols.

”Of all Bodoni’s specimen books none can be compared with Manuale Tipografico 1818, it is outstanding among all other type specimen books too. In Manuale Tipografico 1818 instead of the descriptions of towns, Bodoni follows Caslon’s and Baskerville’s broadside specimens and the texts consist of 142 repetitions of Cicero’s oration against Catiline (Quousque tandem abutere…) with a few lines in italic at the bottom of each leaf plus two final leaves showing the biggest sizes of italics on their own (Imperiale and Papale). Each specimen is enclosed in a frame and with slight variations the column width is about 80 mm.” (James Clough).


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