Paul Rand: His Work from 1946 to 1958


Kamekura, Yusaku (ed.)


Alfred A. Knopf, New York / Zokeisha, Tokyo. 1959. 132 pages. (24,5 x 25,5 cm). Bound in original green cloth with pink title on spine. Dust jacket with Paul Rand art. Jacket worn and torn. Illustrated by 150 plates, 31 in colour. Bi-lingual English & Japanese text. Introductory notes by Yusaku Kamekura, Bernard Rudolfsky, Giovanni Pintori and Hans Schleger. Biographical notes and Bibliography.

This book offers a lucid and jargon-free approach to the problems of modern design, forcefully supported by the many examples of the artists work up to that time (1946). No other graphic designer on the international scene could offer a body of work so many-faceted as to be able to support such an approach. Rand being considered the father of modernist graphic design.


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