L’art suédois 1913-1953. Exposition d’art suédois cubiste, futuriste consructiviste


Hultén, Karl G. (Pontus) & Reutersvärd, Oscar eds.)


Denise René Gallery, Paris. 1953. 24 pages, without pagination, 20 black-and-white illustrations. (21 x 16 cm), paperback, saddle stitched. Text sections on wood-based paper, alternately bound with art paper for illustrations.

The exhibition has been assembled and the catalogue has been edited by Karl G. Hultén and Oscar Reutersvärd. Committee: Otte Sköld, Jean Cassou, Folke Holmér, Gunnar Granberg, Theodor Ahrenberg, Fritz H. Eriksson. (Foreword:) Jean Cassou. (Text:) Rolf Söderberg. Rare! (Lutz Jahre 1 – 1953).

Two years after Pontus Hultén received his doctorate from Stockholm University with a dissertation on Vermeer and Spinoza, he organized this exhibition together with Oscar Reutersvärd. Hultén had already organized several smaller exhibitions for the National Museum in Stockholm. Study trips had previously taken him to Paris several times, where he now had the opportunity to prepare an exhibition on modern Swedish art in the renowned Galerie René. Works by Siri Derkert, Gösta Adrian-Nilsson, Otte Sköld, Viking Eggeling, Otto G. Carlsund, Erik Olson, Christian Berg, Lennart Rohde, Olle Bonnier, Arne Jones, Karl-Axel Pehrson, Olle Bærtling, Lars Rolf and Ted Dyrssen were on display. Some of the people involved in this exhibition (Holmér, Reutersvärd, Sköld, Hultén) were also important for the founding history of the Moderna Museet. After Otte Sköld, represented as an artist in this exhibition, became chief curator of the Swedish National Museum, Hultén and Reutersvärd presented him with plans for a large-scale campaign to encourage Swedish art collectors to contribute works to a future museum of modern art. A little later, Folke Holmér, responsible for the modern art department in the National Museum, asked Pontus Hultén to draw up a concept for the planned museum. Hultén’s proposed plans were only discussed hesitantly and hardly taken up, so he settled in Paris for a year. The project for a museum of modern art was, however, realised within the next few years, and in 1959 Hultén was appointed the first director of the museum.


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